Giant Panda: The Chinese Iconic Animal

Source: Pixabay

Giant Panda or Pandas, scientifically known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, are among the most recognizable animals on the earth. These lovely creatures are native to central China, where they are legally protected as a symbol of China's conservation efforts. People across the world enjoy these creatures, and they are a source of immense pride for the Chinese people. Despite their iconic status, their population is still fragile and threatened by human activities.


Pandas have a distinctive appearance that distinguishes them from other animals. They are medium-sized bears with round faces, small ears, and black fur around their eyes. Their bodies are coated in thick, velvety white fur, while their limbs and shoulders are black. This distinct color is considered to help them blend in with both light and shadow in their bamboo forest habitats.

Their paws are also unique, with five digits sharp claws. The sixth digit, sometimes called a "thumb" is an enlarged wrist bone that is modified to grasp bamboo stalks. This extra digit is actually an extension of the wrist bone, and it allows them to hold and manipulate bamboo more effectively.

Pandas are primarily herbivores, and bamboo makes up almost all of their diet. This adaptation has allowed them to specialize in eating bamboo, which is a notoriously difficult food source to digest.

Pandas are stocky creatures with bodies built for climbing and walking on the ground. Their legs are short but powerful, letting them climb trees and navigate their forest habitat's rough terrain. They also have a short tail (4-6 inches long) that helps them maintain balance while climbing.

Male Pandas are larger than females in terms of size, with males reaching between 190 and 275 pounds and female pandas weighing between 155 and 220 pounds. Males have larger heads and longer bodies than females.


Pandas are well known for their unique habits and behaviors. As herbivorous creatures, they spend much of their time foraging for food. Pandas eat several bamboo species and consume them in vast quantities to meet their energy requirements.

Pandas are also noted for their independence. Except during breeding season, they avoid other pandas. Each panda has its domain, varying between 1.6 and 3.3 square miles. They use fragrance to identify their territory, leaving a distinctive scent on trees and other things.

Despite their solitary nature, they do communicate with each other using a variety of sounds and body language. These mammals are not very vocal animals, but they do make a range of sounds. They also use body language to communicate, such as staring or circling another panda to assert dominance.

Pandas are primarily active during the day and tend to rest at night, they may sleep up to 14 hours a day. They are known for their climbing ability and can often be found resting in trees during the day. When do rest on the ground, they typically curl up into a ball, tucking their head and legs under their body.


Panda is an endangered species with a population of only around 1,800 individuals in the wild as of 2021. Pandas in the wild mostly live in China's Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces, where they inhabit mountainous regions with dense bamboo forests. Their populations have been threatened by Panda habitat loss, as humans have cleared forests for agriculture, logging, and other activities.

Climate change is also a threat, as it alters bamboo growth patterns and makes it harder to find food. Additionally, pandas face the risk of poaching, as their unique fur and body parts are highly valued in some cultures for their supposed medicinal properties.


The Chinese government has made progress in this species protection. Pandas were declared as a "National Treasure" in the 1960s, and their habitats were legally protected. To protect their habitats, the Chinese government has built a slew of protected areas and natural reserves.

These protected areas span over 5,400 square miles, accounting for nearly 60% of the panda's surviving habitat. In addition, the government has put rules in place to prevent logging and regulate agricultural practices in their habitats.

International conservation organizations also contributed to panda conservation efforts. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is one of the International Organizations that has supported panda research and conservation programs in China.

Panda breeding programs also played a key role in species conservation. Captive breeding programs have been established in China as well as in other nations, including the United States and Canada. These programs have increased the captive Panda population while also allowing scientists to understand more about their behavior and reproduction.

Conservation efforts, however, have not been without difficulties. Climate change is forcing bamboo to bloom sooner than usual, which may impact their food supplies. Human encroachment on their habitats is also an issue. Poaching and illegal hunting have declined in recent years, but they remain a threat to their existence.


Pandas are a unique species that necessitates continual conservation efforts to preserve their future. Through breeding initiatives, the Chinese government has made tremendous headway in maintaining their habitats and boosting their numbers. However, the threat posed by climate change and human activities remains a source of concern. We can try to safeguard these intriguing animals and their habitats for future generations as we learn more about them |Palemahan.


  • Nie, Y., Speakman, J. R., Wu, Q., Zhang, C., Hu, Y., Xia, M., & Yan, L. (2015). Exceptionally low daily energy expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda. Science, 349(6244), 171–174.
  • Wildt, D. E., Zhang, A., Zhang, H., Janssen, D. L., & Ellis, S. (Eds.). (2006). Giant Pandas: Biology, Veterinary Medicine, and Management. Cambridge University Press.
  • Xu, W., Zhang, H., & Yang, X. (2016). Population Status, Threats and Conservation of Giant Pandas in the Daxiangling Mountains. PloS one, 11(3)